If you’ve had your wood floor installed for a few years it may have taken a couple of hits and look a little worn recently. Thankfully wood flooring is a floor that offers one of the best qualities for a long life; the ability to be sanded and refinished multiple times. What this means is that you don’t have to worry about shelling out for a brand new floor should any damage occur. We’re here to give you a step-by-step guide on how to prepare your floor for a sanding and refinishing to breathe a new lease of life to your wood floor.


The first important step to make is clearing the whole room of any furniture, decor, curtains and any other objects that make contact with or are close to the floor. We would also recommend taking off doors that may be very low to the ground as this will make it easier to complete your project. If your doors are not easily removed then don’t worry, simply make sure you are more careful around the doorways. Scan your floor carefully for any raised nails, staples or screws for example that would ruin the flush of the floor. Tighten any nails that are raised and remove any of the before mentioned bits and pieces to guarantee your floor is smooth and clean.


Next, you will want to cover completely any doorways, vents or windows that lead to the house interior. You will be surprised by how much dust can easily escape the room, so make sure you have tightly sealed the area. This includes plug sockets and any kind of nooks and crannies. While you will need to protect your home its also important to protect yourself. Make sure to wear a dust mask, goggle and ear plugs to better your safety when working.

Plotting Your Path

Once you’ve prepped your room, its time to plot your sanding path. When sanding, make sure you go with the graIn and it is very important to watch your feet to avoid them getting tangled with wires from your sander to stop you tripping over and injuring yourself. Think about the accessibility of your equipment as this will help to stop spreading dust around your home when entering and exiting the room. All of this preparation will help to make the process as smooth as possible while maintaining a level of safety that is needed when sanding your floor.

If you are unsure about how to sand your floor or you are not confident in doing the job then always consult a professional. This will ensure that the job is done properly and save you time as well as making sure your floor retains its beautiful looks and quality.

Have Your Say

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