In a world of online shopping and constant demand for products, it's sadly impossible to avoid carbon emissions. However, we know that as a business we have a responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint and do better for the planet. So, we've chosen a number of global sustainability projects to support.

From reviving natural habitats in Australia, to supporting wind farms in China, keep reading to see how we’re giving back across the globe. 

What projects are we helping with? 

From China to Brazil, and all the way over in Australia, we’re pleased to be helping reduce carbon through a number of different projects. 

Reforestation Projects 

Cikel Brazilian Amazon REDD+ Project – Brazil 

The CIKEL Brazilian Amazon REDD APD Project aims to avoid emissions from planned deforestation in Paragominas Municipality, Para state, Brazil. 

We’re supporting planned deforestation activities which aim to conserve the forest and continue limited forest management in the area under Forest Stewardship Council® Certification (FSC®) with Low Impact Logging practices. The project will avoid 9,432,299 tCO2 that would have been emitted into the atmosphere over the next 10 years. 

Nicaforest Reforestation Program – Nicaragua 

The Nicaforest Program has 490 hectares of land under management and aims to contribute to the creation of a sustainable value-chain by working closely with local landowners in a Shared Benefit Scheme.  

The program plants valuable species for future timber production and added-value wood production, as well as other measures aimed at increasing resilience in the local towns. 

The project protects the remaining patches of native vegetation and creates additional conservation areas on the banks of rivers and other watersheds. 

Reforestation on Degraded Land – Uruguay

Located in the heart of Uruguay, this project takes 21,298 hectares of land that have previously been used for beef cattle grazing and transforms it into sustainably managed forests. 

Converting this land into forest plantations will help obtain high-value, long-lasting timber products and sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide. Over its 60-year initial lifespan, this project will sequester a huge 7,644,973 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere! 

Southwest Australia Reforestation – Australia

Southwest Australia is a biodiversity hotspot. Having an exceptionally high number of plant and animal species that are found nowhere else in the world, it accounts for 90% of all species on earth and covers only 2.3% of the earth’s surface. 

Aiming to recreate a healthy, functioning landscape, restored after decades of habitat loss and degradation, this project will help return the environment to its origins, planting more than 60 native tree and shrub species. 

Energy Projects 

Guangdong Shenzhen: Alternative Energy – China

Qianwan LNG Generation Project (QLGP) is a highly efficient liquefied natural gas combined-cycle gas turbine plant. Electricity to be generated by QLGP will later replace power generation by coal-fired thermal plants and reduce CO2 emissions in China Southern Power Grid. 

By using liquefied natural gas, the project will offer the least environmentally damaging form of fossil-fuelled electricity generation, produce positive environmental and economic benefits and contribute to the area’s sustainable development. The emissions reduction for this project is 857,072 metric tonnes of CO2 per year

Andes Mountains Hydro Power – Chile

This project is based around a 163 milliwatt run of river hydro power plant known as La Confluencia and utilises the hydrological resources of three rivers to generate and supply zero emission energy to the Chilean central electricity grid.  

The power plant generates certified emission reductions by displacing electricity generation from grid connected fossil fuel-fired power plants that would otherwise be generating electricity. 

The project will help meet Chile’s rising demand for energy due to its economic growth and to improve the supply of electricity, while contributing to environmental, social and economic sustainability. 

Huaneng Changyi Wind Farm Project – China 

The Wind Farm Project is the generation of electricity from wind, operating 33 wind turbines with a capacity of 1,500 kW each, set to supply electricity to the North China Power Grid.  

The project produces clean energy and displaces generation from other sources that contribute pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions to the environment and is leading to greenhouse gas emission reductions, with an average 91,886 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year offset! 

As one of the few renewable sources within the region, it’s hoped the project will stimulate and accelerate the commercialisation of grid-connected wind power technologies and markets.